3years ago, I had been to my uncle's car workshop and i met one of his chemical engineer friend who had developed a glass using nanotechnology. the advantage with that glass is that it is dirt and water resistant. no need of wipers, no need of cleaning! I was thoroughly amazed by the idea!I came up with many such exhilarating ideas since then!!
I would really like to share them in the upcoming few posts.
There are many incidences attached to such ideas!!
Once I was walking down the street to my japanese class and suddenly it started raining!
How much did i wish that there could have been a hair potion(!!!!) that could make hair water resistant!! (I know Women are going to bless me for this thought!! Well read the whole post and u'll bless me all the time!) The other one was when I was walking in the itchy heat of sun....well i wish i could produce a lotion that could reflect sunrays totally and would give a cooling effect!
Staying in a place like Mumbai where temperature is always "optimum for growth" has its disadvantages too..!
The global warming has led its hands upon the atmosphere a big time!! Increased temperatures in summer, Increased average rainfall, and there is always a tension that winter might escape!! I do feel that it is need of the day that we should produce clothes that can maintain temperature we want....(mind you, i am not talking about personal mini air conditioners!) Cool clothes in hot summers and warm clothes in cold winters and both qualities in a single piece of cloth!!
All this can be surely possible using nanotechnology!!
Nanotechnology is also been used to cure many diseases that cause complexions in body!
Example: diabetes http://www.smartplanet.com/people/video/nanotechnology-to-end-insulin-injections-for-diabetics/370926/?gclid=COno4J-E-6QCFc9A6wodjHWYfw
In locating cancer tumours http://www.azonano.com/news.asp?newsID=9104
Nanodiamonds shown in the picturedeliver insulin for wound healing!http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2009-07/nu-ndi072709.php
Nanotechnology is also being used in Food, Fuel cells, Solar cells, Batteries, Fuels, Air conditioning, Chemical sensors, Sporting Goods, Fabrics, Cosmetics, Water purification!
I Will discuss some more applications in more detail in the next post!
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